Georges Blanc
Here’s a spotlight on this traditional yet innovative chef, born in Bourg-en-Bresse, whose establishment has been Michelin-starred for over 90 years, a record in France.
Here’s a spotlight on this traditional yet innovative chef, born in Bourg-en-Bresse, whose establishment has been Michelin-starred for over 90 years, a record in France.
He is one of the few chefs to have been awarded three Michelin stars, with 29 referenced establishments in France in 2020, and the chef is currently working his magic in his restaurant in Vonnas.
Your main personality trait? Determination
Your best culinary memory? The day I was awarded my third star, 3rd March 1981
The dish of your childhood? Chicory and ham, with my mother’s homemade cream
Your favourite foreign speciality? Couscous
A chef who inspired you? Frédy Giradet
Your favourite book? Comment se faire des amis? by Dale Camegie
Your guilty pleasure? Crème caramel with vanilla.
Your favourite season? Summer
A place you like to go to unwind? Ramatuelle in the Var
Your motto? « “Sans passion, point d’élévation” (No progress is made without passion). ».
Georges Blanc is a true ambassador of French cuisine, and is one of the icons of our region. He is a passionate chef, and very quickly made a name for himself at this family-run establishment, in keeping with Bresse traditions.