Fête du vincuitLe vincuit est une marmelade de poires et de pommes cuite longuement au chaudron (sans alcool). Autrefois, cette préparation était l’occasion d’une fête dans les villages. D’abord la plume (éplucher, en patois) des fruits entre voisins à la veillée. Puis la cuisson dans les chaudrons pendant plus de 20 heures, où les hommes se succèdent pour « vanler » (remuer, en patois) pour éviter la caramélisation. Ils utilisent pour cela le « pétouillons », grande perche en bois qu’ils tirent et poussent.
©Fête du vincuit - "vanler" à grands coups de "pétouillon" à la Ferme de la Forêt|MORGANE MONNERET

‘Vincuit’, heritage of Bresse’s past

‘Vincuit’, heritage of Bresse’s past

Don’t be mistaken, we are not talking about a sort of wine, but actually jam without a single drop of alcohol!

So the locals of Bresse are liars then ? No, quite the contrary.

Bresse celebrates its apples and pears

‘Vincuit’ is today made during the special celebrations of this ancient tradition, and this practice reminds us, as we go about our modern lives always in a rush, that our ancestors lived in harmony with their environment and took their time. In the Bresse of olden days, nothing was wasted. In the orchard, when the fruit fell from the trees and couldn’t be consumed directly, it was used to make ‘vincuit’. The apples and pears from the orchard were stewed for a whole day in a huge copper pot.

‘Plume’ and ‘Vanlage’,

the two steps to follow for this unique recipe

Preparing the fruit was traditionally known as ‘Plume’, and this was when the apples and pears were peeled and cut into pieces. Then it was time to cook them. To make sure they didn’t caramelise, the fruit had to be stirred continuously with a ‘pétouillon’ (giant wooden stick), for almost twenty hours! This brought friends and neighbours together and they would take it in turns.


Just enjoy the vincuit on a good Bresse waffle !

La Fête du vincuit

Une journée festive entre tradition et savoir-faire locaux
