Famille au Monastère Royal De BrouDécouverte en famille du Monastère Royal De Brou, l’incontournable de Bourg-en-Bresse
©Découverte en famille du Monastère Royal De Brou, l’incontournable de Bourg-en-Bresse|Pierre JAYET
As a family,

a tour of the Royal Monastery of Brou

Once upon a time, there was the Royal Monastery of Brou

A superb fairy-tale could be written aboutthe Royal Monastery of Brou.  Just imagine the book on quality paper, with first-rate illustrations of the lavish settings, bright, contrasting colours, perfectly outlined characters. Any child would be itching to turn the pages. The back cover would outline a brief summary of the story. “Once upon a time, there was a young princess who went on an extraordinary adventure across Europe in the 16th century.  She was brought up in the court of Amboise on the banks of the Loire to become queen, and her cruel fate led her to and from Flanders, Spain and Savoy, from palace to château. It was right here in Bourg-en-Bresse that she had the magnificent church of Brou built, in tribute to the greatest love of her life, Philibert, Duke of Savoy.” Sounds good doesn’t it?

Appreciate beauty, even from a young age

A princess with beautiful taffeta and silk dresses, long horse rides, knights in full armour, hunting… the story of this monument can also be made interesting for the younger visitors.

Visiting the Royal Monastery of Brou as a child is your very first introduction to beauty. All you have to do is listen to the story and look around you. We are so small and insignificant in the vast, empty nave. We cannot help but admire the spectacular choir, impressive tombstones and the significant people buried there.

Come and play at Brou

This monument can be admired, but it can also be used as the venue for a game. Alaric is the ideal companion, he knows everything about the monument (churches and cloisters). Children will love following him.

Request your booklet from the front desk.

Hey kids, don’t forget to bring mum and dad with you to Brou!  This time, it’s up to you to decide.

Tempted ?

Getting here
