Le menteur
Cultural, Show
in Bourg-en-Bresse
A round of misunderstandings and deceitful cavalcades... A baroque comedy in which the world is but a game, or rather a theater.
Dorante arrives in Paris. Lover of adventure, he's really in search of his own image. Valiant by nature and a liar by custom, he imagines, dreams as he talks, and invents exploits and a life for himself to find his place in the trendy world of selfies and likes. He seduces Clarice, believing her name to be Lucretia. It starts well.
But when his father asks him to marry Clarice, whom he thinks he doesn't know, things take a turn for the worse. And when Clarice herself asks Lucretia to spy on...Dorante arrives in Paris. Lover of adventure, he's really in search of his own image. Valiant by nature and a liar by custom, he imagines, dreams as he talks, and invents exploits and a life for himself to find his place in the trendy world of selfies and likes. He seduces Clarice, believing her name to be Lucretia. It starts well.
But when his father asks him to marry Clarice, whom he thinks he doesn't know, things take a turn for the worse. And when Clarice herself asks Lucretia to spy on Dorante, all hell breaks loose. In an attempt to exist, he bluffs. But by being the greatest of liars, isn't he the mirror of all those he's deceiving?
Fluorescent sneakers, strobes and a flash set: the room lights up
like a disco ball. The actors and actresses
electrify Corneille's baroque play, which questions our social
do we really want to tell the truth? In
an orange, graphic and pop décor, Julia Vidit loosens the corsets,
alexandrines, genders and skin tones to stage this delightful plunge into appearances, written in 1644.
Spoken languages
Standard rate €35
Reduced rate €30
Under 26 years old €25
June 4, 2025
until June 5, 2025
Wednesday8:00 PM - 9:45 PM
Thursday8:00 PM - 9:45 PM
- 5 to 6:10 p.m. and 8 to 9:10 p.m.