

Cultural, Dance in Bourg-en-Bresse
  • An extremely demanding choreography, chiseled, accomplished, sensual, carnal and committed.

  • In this piece for seven dancers, vivid, hypnotic and spellbinding tableaux, as if time were slowing down, invite us to take our time. They deliver a dance of portés, cantilevers, slow-motion, curious precision and millimetric trajectories. Virtuoso bodies play with weights and counterweights, feet point like cathedral spires, bodies rise horizontally.
    François Veyrunes has directed the Compagnie 47-49 since 1989, developing a choreographic language in the wake of American post-modern...
    In this piece for seven dancers, vivid, hypnotic and spellbinding tableaux, as if time were slowing down, invite us to take our time. They deliver a dance of portés, cantilevers, slow-motion, curious precision and millimetric trajectories. Virtuoso bodies play with weights and counterweights, feet point like cathedral spires, bodies rise horizontally.
    François Veyrunes has directed the Compagnie 47-49 since 1989, developing a choreographic language in the wake of American post-modern dance.
    American post-modern dance, in the artistic tradition of Merce Cunningham.
    By François Veyrunes / Compagnie 47-49
  • Spoken languages
    • French
  • Rates
    Standard rate €22
    Reduced rate €18
    Children under 26 €12
  • On March 13, 2025 from 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM