Enfants restaurantBrasserie Le Français, une authentique ambiance brasserie incontournable de Bourg-en-Bresse depuis 1897. Un établissement dont le plafond est inscrit à l’Inventaire des Monuments Historiques perpétuant le bon goût à la française mais façon bressane. Volaille de Bresse, grenouilles, quenelles, Comté, Bleu de Bresse… vous retrouverez dans votre assiette toutes les spécialités de notre destination.
©Brasserie Le Français, une institution burgienne.|MORGANE MONNERET
Things to see and do here…

Things to see and do here

Things to see and do here…

Our destination is not only a place to enjoy good food, learn new things and be at one with nature, it is also a place to have fun, dance, sing, cheer on the sporting events, watch the magical shows in awe, and spend some quality time as a family. It is a festive and fun place that can really show us a good time. The open-air concerts, sporting events, leisure complexes, water parks, and greenways are just some examples of what’s in store for you, for some great quality time with family or friends, to take some unforgettable memories home with you! So there you have it, all you have to do now is choose what you’re going to do, depending on your mood and what you fancy.

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Au rythme

des 4 saisons

De découverte en découverte

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