L'Eclipse escape game LEISURE L'éclipse is an escape game located in Viriat. Discover our life-size escape games, with 100% immersive settings, and face off in our Quiz room! D... Viriat
Carré d'Eau nautical center SPORT Carré d'eau welcomes you to its water sports complex, a real oasis located in the center of Bourg-en-Bresse. To discover absolutely! Bourg-en-Bresse
Atelier ALTEC (6-8 ans) - Circuits électriques et énergies renouvelables CULTURAL How do you switch on the light? Find out what's behind the switch, test what conducts the current and learn more about renewable energies. Bourg-en-Bresse
Atelier ALTEC (3-5 ans) - Découvre le goût et l'odorat CULTURAL Discover flavors with surprising experiments involving taste and scents, where your taste buds become real detectives. *Warning: food ingestion. Plea... Bourg-en-Bresse
La valise à histoires (dès 4 ans) CULTURAL From one multimedia library to another, the story suitcase unfolds: open your ears and come and listen to the stories. Bourg-en-Bresse
Ami'lude ludothèque CULTURAL Want to play games for the youngest, with the family or with adults? Come to the toy library: free on-site play area for all, teen/adult games evening... Bourg-en-Bresse
Les contes de la besace (dès 7 ans) CULTURAL Once upon a time... Tales from here, there and everywhere, to discover fabulous stories with family and friends. Bourg-en-Bresse
Atelier ALTEC (9-11 ans) - Pilotes du Futur : programme un robot CULTURAL Will there be autonomous cars in the city of the future? Learn how to program a robot using block coding to discover how an autonomous car works. Offe... Bourg-en-Bresse
Atelier ALTEC parent/enfant - Découvre les aimants CULTURAL Discover with your family the secrets behind air and water. With your child, create a submarine, a surprising fountain or a swirling vortex! Bourg-en-Bresse