Atelier ALTEC (3-5 ans) - Découvre le goût et l'odorat CULTURAL Discover flavors with surprising experiments involving taste and scents, where your taste buds become real detectives. *Warning: food ingestion. Plea... Bourg-en-Bresse
Climbing site of Mount Myon SPORT Site of initiation to the climbing 13 routes Maximum height : 8 m Difficulty between 3b and 4b Limestone rock Setback about 8 m Orientation : So... Val-Revermont
Le Musée Éphémère: dinosaur exhibition ENTERTAINMENT/RECREATION the Musée Ephémère® is the only production in Europe to organize genuine "live shows" with fully autonomous robotized models. Bourg-en-Bresse
Balade et parcours d'activités en forêt de Seillon SPORT Take advantage of this easy, universally accessible walk, dotted with apparatus for the enjoyment of athletes and children alike. 11 stations - PRM ac... Péronnas
Atelier ALTEC (9-11 ans) - Ma fusée à eau CULTURAL Discover physics as you build your own water rocket and launch it as high as you can! Bourg-en-Bresse
Atelier ALTEC (6-8 ans) - Circuits électriques et énergies renouvelables CULTURAL How do you switch on the light? Find out what's behind the switch, test what conducts the current and learn more about renewable energies. Bourg-en-Bresse